Demo V02 Update

The first downloads and feedback have been rolling in and I have been busy working on tweaks and fixes people have helped uncover. Thank you so much everyone who reported issues and let me know what was happening on your end. It seems keyboard/mouse is the most used input so I added some things to help smooth out that experience.

This update fixes  a number of glitches and tweaks plus some usability. I have also implemented a difficulty mode and generally made the game harder by default. Now, my first Patch Notes!


  • Two difficulty modes were added to settings. Casual and Standard
    • Standard is the new default and contains increased damage from all sources. (ie small enemy damage increased from 5 to 8)
      • This is meant to be the more challenging standard play. Numbers will be tweaked to fine tune in future updates.
    • Casual halves all damage and increases health drops and removes the interrupt when you take damage
      • This is closer to what V01 was like where damage is low and outside of heavy groups you arn't in much danger. This mode is for people who want to relax more and not worry about dodge timings and other mistakes.
  • Enemy movement speed was increased across the board - I noticed enemy's could hardly keep up with Max, he is too fast! This helps make them more dangerous and persistent in their attacks.
  • There is now a "Gameplay" tab in settings, contains the difficulty options + the following
  • Added setting to disable automatic camera movement and only follow player input
  • Added setting to disable all manual camera input. This is a work around for an issue that was reported where the camera input was glitched causing constant orbiting.
  • Worm boss now moves quicker and spends less time under ground. Also takes more damage while in its diving state. This is in order to make the fight quicker and more active as it was dragging out a bit in testing.
  • The middle mouse can now be used to adjust the camera, not just limited to the F key


  • Closed off a hole that allowed players to climb out of the boss crater and access unintended parts of the level.
  • Fixed issue where pushing back into a wall would angle the camera down and disorient players
  • Adjusted goo splash physics to prevent players from getting stuck like glue in the dead center
  • Adjusted goo to scale differently and prevent weird physics flipping/jittering when spreading.
  • Added keyboard/mouse buttons to in-game prompts, also made the keyboard/mouse controls the default tab in settings
  • Removed camera lock when walking into a "soft barrier" to prevent weird flipping in some scenarios
  • Increased range on light attack chain 5 and the vanilla bash attack
  • Lowered Volume on ending thank you screen music, also fixed and graphic bug if you clicked it multiple times
  • Fixed a hole in the boss door allowing players to slip through
  • A bunch of other small things I accidentally deleted out of notepad not realizing Id want to write them all down!

Files 202 MB
Dec 14, 2019 199 MB
Dec 14, 2019 209 MB
Dec 14, 2019

Get Hounds of Valor- Demo

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